I don't like New Years resolutions for 3 reasons;
1. They tend to be hard things that I'm not doing now, so that means change and effort.
2. The idea of resolving to be better or do things better shouldn't be reserved for 1 day a year.
3. There are a lot of voices out there "telling people what to resolve".
But I've found 3 reasons to dig in my heels and participate;
1. I rarely take adequate time to reflect on my life and self-assess.
2. I fail to "resolve" because I fear the outcome being beyond my control. I give in to fear and don't even "choose" to do better. Better to attempt and fail or only achieve half, than to not live intentionally.
3. We're all in this together. Those who succeed are inspiration for others. Those who struggle are team-mates with those of us who fix our eyes on "What could be" and try.
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