I just found this online resource for finding local information (including reported release of pollutants)
If we look at what Blaine, Bellingham, Lynden, Sumas Washington (which are the closest US Cities to British Columbia) are releasing it is quite surprising what is going into our air. Without actually counting the numbers, it seems that the BP Cherry Point refinery is spewing the greatest variety of pollutants into our local air-
shed. For those of you who are unaware, air quality in the Fraser Valley in British Columbia's "Lower Mainland" ia problematic, with local mountains creating a funnelling effect that seems to concentrate air pollution as it travels eastward. (The wind is normally gentle from the West)
Despite the thickness of the black line on the map that marks our border with the United States, American pollutants continue to defy international law by illegally crossing our border without permission. Seems that elimination of pollutants at source is the only option, since we realize our neighbours to the south aren't being malicious, and suffer as much as we do from the careless release of toxic chemicals.
Resources like this make the facts Open to the public and form a foundation for reasonable and informed grassroots efforts to improve air quality.
BP? what are you doing to my kid's health?
Now to bring balance to the force, we also need to see a listing of Canadian factories and pollutants. If anyone reading this knows of a similar Canadian resource, let me know.
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