Monday, February 22, 2010

Facebook plans to burn COAL to power their new data center.

You like facebook.  Do you like that facebook is planning to burn coal to power their new data center in Portland? has a petition you can sign.

Coal is the dirtiest option available for generating electricity (apart from burning old tires).  Facebook couldn't have picked a worse source for powering their new data center.  While competitors like google are switching to sustainable power generation.  Facebook is effectively kicking sand in the faces of all the kids with asthma in the Portland area.  You might want to encourage Facebook to act a little more responsibly. You might not want to ruin air quality around Portland just to update your friends on your "status".

Its not all about money Facebook.  Its about people. Listen to the people.

Protest Facebook's decision to power their new data center by burning COAL.

[Edit] One of my friends asked why I was singling out Facebook, and wanted to know if I was suggesting giving up Google, Microsoft etc.
I'm an incrementalist, I'm not normally an all or nothing kind of guy.  The way I see it life is a series of incremental choices, with no magic bullets that solve everything.  The point was that Facebook is at a pivotal point where they are doing something new and facing an opportunity to make a really good OR bad choice here.  Personally I don't want my "status updates" inflicting a health cost on the good people of Oregon.


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