[caption id="attachment_538" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="freecycle logo"]
I'm talking about free-cycle. You probably have a free-cycle group operating in your area. The concept is really simple. If you want something, you ask for it, and if somebody wants to give you that thing, they will contact you to come and pick it up. If you have something you want to get rid of, you post it and people will contact you to come and pick it up.
Our family started with a micro-wave stand. We probably could have got $15 bucks for it, but really... I don't want to operate a garage sale, I don't want to fight with someone over whether I'll take $12.50 rather than $15, and well I really just want to get rid of it so it doesn't waste my space. My "interest" is unloading something I don't want to keep in my house. The other person's "interest" is in getting a free microwave stand. The environment's "interest" is that a piece of furniture did not need to be manufactured, stored, shipped and sold. (We've previously talked about "The Story of Stuff") The object's "interest" is that it becomes useful rather than just wasting space. Sound "interesting?"
This truly is "re-cycling" something useful to another person. Because there is no exchange of money or other consideration, the opportunity for fraud / theft etc is super low (making this safer than other systems where money is exchanged for goods).
It works quite well, and I'm really pleased with the free wooden rocking chair I'm looking at across the room. Not everything you ask for will be given. "Lego" is a hard sell. Nobody wants to give up their "Lego"! It is an email group. So don't use your work email. use a "junk email" that can receive a steady stream of offers.
Getting started with free-cycle.
1. Chose a "junk" email address to use, because you are going to get lots of emails.
2. Find a group in your area by visiting free-cycle.org and typing in your city
3. Read the "rules" (guidelines) so you learn what kind of behaviour fits with free-cycle
4. Start reading and respond to items that interest you.
It is better to give than to receive. Freecycle helps you do both in a way that is responsible; socially, fiscally and environmentally.
Cheers! Enjoy the free stuff.
Freecycle is amazing! I have used it loads!