One such bright light on the Internet which is providing high quality video content that is worth watching is TED. TED.Com is worth checking out. It has amazing talks available online for free. Most are 20 minutes long, and feature themes like "design" "greener living", "what makes us happy" and more.
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If I can say one thing, it is that TED talks are top quality and very interesting. TED obviously does a great job of filtering who they invite to speak. I find myself sending friends links to TED talks which often strike me as the most carefully thought out, succinct, presentations I've ever heard on the subjects. There are lots to choose from, so if architecture doesn't interest you, "Whats wrong with what we eat", or "Inventions from tomorrow", or "The real difference between liberals and conservatives"might.
I discovered TED quite by accident while using an open media player MIRO that highlights channels that have free content. So if you enjoy learning and challenging yourself in your spare time, consider TED.
So check out TED. The things I am seeing there
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